Volume 4
24 July 2022
Titan Times, A New Edition 📰
Good evening companions and comrades, and welcome to another volume of everyone’s favorite guild publication, Titan Times; the best place to go for everything ANO and thoughtful insights into all things Wynn!This is definitely not the third time this volume has been written. I hope all of Salted’s patch notes haven’t made you completely sick of the Hero Beta yet, cause we’ll be getting to that shortly. But first, the usual. Let’s not keep y’all in my intro any longer!
Recent Happenings 📅
First up, promotions! I love this part because I get to talk about the guild members that have really stepped it up recently. There’s a good handful this go around since this has been rewritten so many times. Niel1299_TW, RowansWorld, ThrowMusket, Galassia98, explosivegamer25, TM20, Dr_san, wabbalubbadubdub, vxzzy, Gushh, iBug, and Varuhkt have all been promoted to Sorcerer! Additionally, Aemor and Asoart have made the jump to Artificer! Congrats everyone, and let’s get some new names up here soon!
As I’m sure all of us know by now, the Hero Beta is available for anyone who has Hero or Champion rank. At the time of writing, there are 4 classes that are playable (sad no shaman), and new patches are coming regularly until the release of the new update. If you’re able to play and haven’t yet, I highly recommend giving some of the features a spin!
I’m also fairly certain most people know this too, but the SMP with our friends over in Adonis has been out for about a month now make your bets now for whether or not SMP will be dead by the time this comes out. It’s a 1.19 vanilla server and is just a fun space for alliance members to hang outside of Wynn. If for some reason you’re not in the Adonis discord, make sure you use the invite link in #guild-info and join the shenanigans (and definitely not just so I have more people to count with)!
Staying with news from Adonis for another moment, ESI members planned a Wynnguesser (same concept as Geoguesser, but using the Wynncraft map) event. Participants were given either images or short video clips of a location in game, and were asked to provide approximate coordinates within 30 seconds. 3 of the top slots were held by ANO members, so congrats to Cal, Geb, and Micah!
A fun surprise recently was another Crab Game event hosted by LaMDaKiS! Me being at work at the time, I couldn’t personally attend, but Crab Game is always a popular choice amongst guild members (and even people outside ANO), so of course it was a success. Make sure you grab the events role so you don’t miss any surprise events like this one!
editor's note: Raw finished the medal command. -profile <username> to see your medals 🎖️, if you've gotten one from the award ceremony.
Photo taken by Ohza
Aezuh Perspective
Military Updates ⚔️
I want to start this section off by giving a massive congrats to ChristmasBear for passing the strategist test! The test isn’t as simple as one might think, and new strats do not come by often. Nice job dude!
It has been a few weeks at this point, but it’s still notable to mention our 5th place standing at the end of Season 6! This is higher than the previous season, so it’s awesome to see our war teams more active this time around. LaMDaKiS also came on top in Ocean Trials, our seasonal event in which you can earn LE for warring! Make sure you grab the role in #military-info if you’re interested in participating this season (or in any future season).
Our Season 7 reclaim of the ocean went smoothly. However, we have 3 new territories in our claim this season: Jofash Docks, Aldorei Valley West Entrance, and Light Forest West Lower; that officially makes ours a 30 territory claim instead of 27!
As always, if you don’t have the military role and would like it, just ask any council member for access!
Main Stage: Hero Beta Patches 🌎
With multiple patches having been released at this point, I wanted to get some of the guild members’ thoughts on the content we’ve seen thus far, and some predictions for the future. Most of the members interviewed this round have Hero+ rank and have played the beta, but not everyone was! Overall, ANO members seem to be excited for the final release of Spellbound, but let’s see what our thoughts are on the patches!
Have you played on the Hero Beta yet? Which classes?
My thoughts: I’ve played on Warrior and only really looked at the skill tree on Mage
TM20: Yes, on Mage and Archer.
LaMDaKiS: Yes, on Archer, and a bit on Warrior and Mage.
Now that ⅘ classes are out, what are your overall thoughts of the update so far?
My thoughts: I think it’ll take time for me to really appreciate the new stuff; right now it feels like too many dramatic changes at once, but anything less wouldn’t be worthy of a 2.0 release
Ugastag: I really like the variety they are providing with the archetypes making all the builds more diverse.
TheZeldaBoi: The ability tree seems cool, the agility and defense changes don’t.
What class do you think you’ll play on first when the final update drops?
My thoughts: I’m definitely going to start a new class, and it’ll probably be either assassin or warrior (I’m biased okay).
Rowans_World: When the update releases on main servers I’ll play Mage then Archer, and I’ll probably have a 105 Warrior and Shaman by then too.
Viirns: Maybe Archer first because I enjoy that the most.
Which feature/piece of content are you most hopeful for or excited to play with?
My thoughts: I’m excited to check out the new quests! I’ve been avoiding them until the final release so I get the best experience with any lore-based content.
TakenEleven: Funny vertical teleport, heal immunity, etc. Basically fun stuff with Mage and Shaman.
TheZeldaBoi: I'm excited for the new raid and ability tree.
Which feature/piece of content has your biggest criticism?
My thoughts: Spellspam builds are going to work very differently, and with the nerfs to intelligence, I think spellspam is going to be significantly less effective.
LaMDaKiS: One of the 3 quests is a movie like, 70% is just cutscenes.
TM20: The ability tree is very overwhelming.
How do you imagine this will impact the guild community?
My thoughts: Because of the new archetypes and the new damage system, warring will require completely new builds. Also, I imagine many veteran players will want to return to check out the new update.
Rowans_World: I don’t really think it’ll impact the guild, we’re more of a community that plays Wynncraft together than a community dependent on Wynncraft.
Ugastag: With the new archetypes, it'll obviously greatly affect the war meta with all the new spells and the update will definitely draw back veterans back into the game, flooding guilds.
How do you think the build meta will change after the update releases (specifically with the change in the mana and combat systems)?
My thoughts: I think heavy melee builds will dominate the meta because you’re able to create a wider variety of melee builds across the new archetypes (RIP spellspam warrior my beloved).
Viirns: The meta is really impossible to predict, as there are so many new ways to play; it's not gonna be spells vs. melee anymore, so I don't know about the meta.
TakenEleven: I think we are going to see 1 build way better than the rest in the meta for each mythic weapon in a certain archetype (sob no more variety).
Any other thoughts?
My thoughts: I hope we see a better mana revert before final release, but I doubt I’ll get one.
TakenEleven: wynn are you high btw
Ugastag: Dogs
Viirns: I like this update, and hope it brings a new life to wynncraft, maybe puts it back at the top of the list of games to play.
So there you have it! Lots of different thoughts and opinions, but overall pretty positive. If you haven’t checked out the Hero Beta recently (and are able to of course), I would recommend it!
Member Shout of the Publication
Trivia Fact ✨
If (or should I say when) all the ice on the planet were to melt, the sea level would rise about 79.9 meters (about 260 feet).
Closing Remarks
If you made it this far, thank you! The support of my fellow guildmates is what keeps me motivated to continue creating for you all. I hope y’all look forward to reading each volume as much as I look forward to writing them. As always, if there’s something you think should be included in the next volume, DM me! Or if you’re interested in helping write, add visuals, or just want to help out the publication in general, consider submitting a Brilliance application. It’s currently just me writing and Aezuh helps with getting visuals and publishing on Github. But the two man team never fails nonetheless! Once again, thank you all and I hope to catch you in the next one.
bitesizedbee4 <3