Volume 8

18 February 2023

Titan Times, A New Edition 📰

Hello Titans, glad to be back here again after a bit of a hiatus. Also hi new members, welcome to the Titan Times, the best place to get your fill on guild activity and insights on all things Wynn! We’ve got a bit of a new format for this one (not too drastic, don’t worry) and I’d love to hear your thoughts! And yes, since it’s been a moment, there’s a whole lot of catching up to do. So many events to talk about, plus a special interview all about warring with 4Nz1K. Let’s get into it!

Recent Happenings 📅

We’re starting today with my favorite part of this whole publication: promotions!

Back in the very beginning of the year, we hailed in our favorite llama duo as brand new councilors: Ugastag and Biblonko! A well-deserved title for them I’m sure anyone would agree. Huge congrats guys!

Dr_san, Flipiik, and Endriik were all promoted to Artificer. Have fun looking over all those applications now!

ender_non, omitel1, ExpertPlayer1, SerbosFawkes, Mr_Chicken79, Tfood, Poopdolla, Viirns, _Skriptz, AtlasOpus, Smmychoise, Luxyi, Lurk1ng_, YourAIdiot, 5mut1, _Admiral_Kiwi_, Boltified, and Throw1x were all promoted to Sorcerer! Your dedication to the guild has not gone unnoticed.

Congrats to all of our promoted members. I can’t wait to see some new names up here very soon!

Quite unexpectedly, we had the 2.0.2 update release not long ago. This added a whole bunch of class rebalancing, bug fixes, and most importantly, Guild Housing!

Reginald chilling with Nimbuh and Cynthia

That’s right, we’ve all got one big plot to present ourselves to the world on. Check out the guild housing when you get a chance, and make sure to upvote it! If you’re interested in helping with building, let Cal know. Some of the guild members had also previously done a lot of work on ppfart’s housing plot, so make sure to head over there and give it an upvote too.

What’s in the Cupboard? ANO Cabinet Review


Titan’s Spirit is our events team, and my my, they’ve been busy!

Micah recently hosted a multi-part event so that members across time zones could participate in some way or another. Great idea on his part!

First up was Hide-n-Seek, where players are given a region of the map to hide in and seekers do their best to find all the hiders (yes, it’s self-explanatory I know). GebutterteWurst managed to win that one by winning the most rounds overall, but notable hider skoneez was able to remain hidden through all rounds. Great job to both of them! Next up was a lighthearted game of Gartic Phone. For those who haven’t played before, it’s a cross between Telephone and Pictionary. This usually results in a lot of laughter and a good time had by all. Rounding out the event were some casual Hypixel minigames. Event-goers made their way through all the “wars” type games. This was a fun way to end the day!

BeGruent hosted a really fun Wynncraft Bingo event, in which players were given a randomly generated bingo card full of crafting ingredients, and whoever had the most bingos won. I may or may not have shown my tryhard side by completely filling my bingo card to win the event, but skoneez, GebutterteWurst, Aemor, and baldsniper24488 made up the rest of the top 5! I really enjoyed this event and hope to see another like it soon.

Smtn Else ally [MALD] held an open parkour event last month. Participants raced against each other to complete the player-made map in the least amount of time. GebutterteWurst and Micah both made it into the top 5, and LaMDaKiS won the event! Congrats to our ANO participants for asserting their dominance over the other guilds with their superior parkour skills! 😼

Biblonko and Ugastag put together Wynncraft Geoguesser, in which players were provided screenshots of obscure locations within the Wynncraft map; whoever correctly identified the location and sent a screenshot of themselves there would win the points for that round. GebutterteWurst came out on top with a total of 10 points, but kebadonner, Endriik, Aemor, LaMDaKiS, Flipiik, Throw1x, and Dr_san all won at least one round. Congrats everyone!

Don’t forget that BlueTheSniper hosts games all the time over in Blue’s Builds! If you haven’t joined his server yet, ANO members get an exclusive ANO role and automatic VIP status (not to mention the giant compilation of builds available for all your needs). If you’ve read this far and still haven’t joined, head on over to Blue's Builds .

HAPPENING NOW: BeGruent is hosting a Wynncraft photography contest! Think you know of the prettiest spot on the Wynncraft map? Prove it by taking a screenshot and sending it to him (I might also note that shaders and mods to increase render distance ARE allowed and might get you some extra brownie points). Some nice prizes at stake for a fun and easy-to-enter event!

Events are a fun way to engage with our community in a laid-back and welcoming manner, so hopefully we see you at one in the near future!

Like the idea of attending events but don’t see something you like? Consider applying to Titan’s Spirit and hosting it yourself! Fresh ideas are always welcome.


Titan’s Brilliance is both our coding cabinet and houses our creative works. It’s been fascinating watching the progress these guys have been making (the Times might technically be under the Brilliance umbrella, but I know fuck all about coding.)

Lamadile has been hard at work giving our website a facelift (and by facelift, I really mean complete reconstruction.) While changes are still ongoing, it looks incredible! Check it out here if you haven’t seen it. You can also find previous volumes of the Times on here if you want to revisit them.

Our bot, Valor, is in the process of getting some new features (mostly being worked on by Raw, but not entirely). While new commands are something that we’re always looking into in order to meet new needs, a notable mention is that user interactions are in the works for Valor. That’s right, buttons! Buttons for YOU to click! Hopefully these will be fully integrated soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

I, of course, am frequently brainstorming new topics to add to our Main Stage. Got a suggestion? Write it and send it to me!

Are you enthusiastic about coding projects? Interested in doing some creative writing? Is graphic design your passion? Consider joining Titan’s Brilliance today

Military Updates ⚔️

While technically not a cabinet (RIP Titan’s Fury), military updates will be here from now on!

Season 10 has come to a close! We ended this season in 5th place tentatively, season is ongoing for a few hours as I'm writing. Thank you to everyone who participated in defending our ocean claim this season, as well as participating in FFAs. I’m sure next season will be just as successful.

That being said, this season of Ocean Trials has come to a close as well. Double-check your submitted war counts are accurate so you receive the correct amount of LE for your efforts.

“Hey Bee, what’s Ocean Trials?” Great question, new member! With each guild war season, there coexists Ocean Trials, a way in which you can earn LE for participating in wars. We have started requiring members to use ANOMod in order to participate. This is just an easier way for us to track war counts, but is compatible with Wynntils and your other favorite mods.

Does this seem like something you might want to participate in during the upcoming season? Check out #ocean-trials-info after making sure you have the military role, and feel free to ask questions in #military-chat

Some exciting news: Asoart has been promoted to chief in game for his continued contributions to the war effort. Congrats Aso! Dr_san has also passed the strategist test! This is no easy feat, and requires a solid understanding of economics. Make sure you congratulate him if you see him online! Here’s a reminder that who is Sorcerer and has logged 25 wars is eligible to apply for captain, and any Artificer with 300 logged wars can apply to take the strategist test (especially encouraged if you’re active during NA timezones, we’re desperate for more NA ecoers)!

Main Stage: Exclusive Interview with 4Nz1K

Ah, 4N, most of us know him as a pretty chill guy and someone who adds a lot of positivity to our guild community. Some of our newer members may not know, however, that he’s a talented war participant and economist. Having recently passed his 1 year anniversary with the guild, I wanted to take the time to talk with him about his war experience and time in ANO.

What made you decide to join ANO?

“Titan’s Valor is actually the first and only guild I have ever been in. I had only just returned to Wynncraft after seven years of not playing (yikes), and I didn’t know very much about ANO or about guilds in general for that matter; I had simply seen a shout in global chat from Cal recruiting and I decided to apply via Discord like most of our new recruits do! Needless to say, I was very surprised when I learned how large the ANO community was and how influential its presence has been on Wynncraft over the years. The reputation for integrity and inclusiveness that Titan’s Valor leadership and its members have worked hard to cultivate, build up, and maintain among the Wynn community over the years is a legacy I am very proud to help carry on and why I refuse to go anywhere else.”

How did you first get into warring? Was there any sort of draw for you?

“I have to credit Aiza, 1000%. Since I knew nothing about guilds, I also knew nothing about warring, but I was eager to help the guild as a newer recruit and make a place for myself in the guild. I scraped together enough LE to buy a decent Limbo build for war which at the time was one of the worst DPS war builds (still is), after which Aiza with his KoH healer and me with DPS would war together for hours every night, circling Light Forest and Cinfras County claiming FFA’s while watching youtube or anime in the background. In my first ever warring season, Aiza and I did over 700 wars together, earning me the Conquest Medal for my efforts and solidifying myself as a “known warrer” in the guild since. Without Aiza there to support me early on I genuinely don’t believe I would have become as fond of guild wars as I am today.”

How do you feel about the changes to wars over the years?

“Unfortunately, as a latecomer to the war scene, I didn’t experience the switch from 1.19 to 1.20; I have experienced several balance changes to classes/gear as well as the update to Wynncraft 2.0 (Spellbound) which completely reworked class spells, added new abilities, etc. which have all been dramatic game changers for myself and other regular warrers. While I find the overall state of wars to be enjoyable I must say I have learned one thing in regard to guild warring in my short time, which is that the “meta” for war builds constantly fluctuates with the ongoing new updates and what was once one of the best builds can simply become useless once a class rebalance takes place. Adapting to such wild swings in the war meta I feel can be very challenging to some people, especially newer players just learning how things work, but overall I am happy with the current state of wars although I am excited to see what future updates have in store for us!”

What aspect of warring do you enjoy the most? How about enjoy the least?

“I have to say my favorite aspect of warring is the people themselves who do it; the motivation that players have to work together to learn as a team and get better at it never fails to impress me when I see it unfolding. When I first joined ANO there were a few consistent players who warred regularly, but in a year I have seen the interest in warring grow so much that now when someone queues FFAs (Free for All Territories for you non warring members) there is often more players who show up than can fit and there is always a new face each time! As for the least enjoyable part of warring, I have to say it's the financial burden and the way that limits new warrers ability to get started. Many war builds use mythics and crafted armor and accessories—these items can be priced wildly depending on availability, current demand, etc. A good example is the Absolution war build: currently it is the meta healer for war but because of high demand the mythic alone costs (I believe) 8-10stx for a decent one. So are you a shaman and want to war? Better be rich to start! You also have to hope that the meta doesn’t change in a new update/class nerf and make that investment you made into those items completely worthless. While it’s unfortunate and severely limiting to many players, it’s less a problem with warring itself and more a problem with the Trade Market/Mythic economy.”

What’s your favorite war build? (you don’t have to give all the specifics if it’s a trade secret 😉)

“I will give you my top three! Currently my favorite build is the Monster/Crabs Solo build, I quite enjoy mage and being able to solo FFAs allows me to war on my own time if there is no one else to join me. Second favorite is Infernal Impulse/Guardian build, it is a critical piece to warring enemy HQs because its high HP allows it to be a frontline tank and pseudo-healer for the team thanks to the effects of II. Finally, my third favorite build is my Limbo/Warchief build. It is a bad build in the current meta but my first 700 wars were done on that build so it will forever hold a special place in my heart.”

Is there anything you hope gets added to/removed from/changed about warring in future updates?

“One thing I hope for would be rebalancing to mage. It lost its viability as a healer for war in the Spellbound update and hasn’t recovered since. Having only shaman as a healer option is limiting to players who don’t invest as much time into other classes. In regard to things changed I can’t honestly say anything specific; I think in large part things are fine as they are. For my own sake I would love to see a max cap of like 13-15 minutes for war timers. I hate waiting almost half an hour to FFA Jungle territories.”

What advice would you give to new guild members who are interested in learning to war?

“Ease into it. Jumping fresh into warring can be very fun, but as I said before it also is a huge financial commitment to get the builds needed. I recommend taking time to really decide what role is going to best fit your playstyle. Are you a DPS person? Do you prefer to be a healer? How about a tank? What does your budget look like for war? Always speak with more experienced players who can point you in the right direction to get started and don’t over commit unless you are ready to really go for it. While ANO always loves to have more war capable individuals, we also want you to make wise decisions and not rush into it without having all the information you need first.”

What advice would you give to those who want to learn eco?

“Finding someone to “teach” you how to eco is tough sometimes, but fortunately we have several talented economists who can provide you some guidance on how the system works. We also have a few handy resources like the war document and some other 3rd party economy guides we can share with players, but most of your actual know-how with economy will come from hands-on experience. Start small by adjusting simple things like resources to cover FFA defenses, removing/adding emerald and tome seekings, that sort of thing. By doing this often you will get a feel for the eco UI and develop an understanding of how it reacts to your adjustments, letting you eco more comfortably when serious situations arise. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Get in there, press buttons, ruin the economy, learn how to fix it, become an economy master. You can do it!

What do you enjoy about ANO and/or Wynn outside of warring?

“My favorite thing about ANO is obviously its community, the quality of people and their willingness to go above and beyond to help each other regularly is something I don’t think a lot of other guilds likely have. When I first joined I was practically “brand new” to Wynn and knew nothing, but with the help of many amazing people I have become a much more experienced player in many aspects of the game. Nowadays when I am not warring I spend my time on Wynn typically loot running, building in my housing, or flipping items on the Trade Market, all of which I have had help from other guild members in learning/doing. Who I am as a player today would be impossible without Titan’s Valor so I am very proud to still be a member a year later.”

What’s been your favorite memory in ANO so far?

“It has been awhile but I was very fond of my first Award ceremony I attended, being in a Discord call with 25-30+ guild members and everyone joking around having fun was a blast. During the ceremony I remember Nimbuh attempting to interrupt so many times he was muted by Cal lol. I had a lot of fun that day and earned my own Conquest Medal, but another reason I am very fond of it is because Aiza was awarded the Valorian Star for his efforts put into the guild, and since he had practically taken me under his wing as a warrer during that time I was very happy to see his efforts recognized.”

Is there anything else you’d like to say to readers?

“If you have any interest in warring or learning economy feel free to reach out to me in game or on Discord. I am always willing to help aspiring warrers (or any guild member for that matter) if they need it! If you are someone who is already experienced with wars and eco I encourage you to be a source of information/advice for newer generations of members, help them grow as people once helped us! Thanks for listening to what I had to say!”

if you are wondering how many total words are in 4n's responses, there are 1563.

Talking with 4N was super fun and I’m so glad he was enthusiastic to answer some of my questions. He brings such a positive energy to the guild, and I can say with confidence he’s become an integral part of ANO over the last year. Thank you 4Nz1K for sharing your knowledge with us!

Member Shout of the Publication

EchoLuu For her consistent presence both in game, on Discord, and helping out with many wars this season

Trivia Fact

Puppies are born both blind and deaf, but begin to open their eyes and respond to sound after they’re about 2 weeks old.

Closing Remarks

Hi everyone, if you made it this far, thank you! Your support and enjoyment of these publications is what fuels me to continue writing them. The new segment is the part I’m most unsure about, but I did really want to highlight all the neat stuff all our cabinets are doing. Warring isn’t everything in a guild!

Again, big thank you to 4Nz1k for taking the time to do this interview, it was one of my favorite ones I’ve ever done. Any future interviewees, take notes! His thoroughness makes for a more interesting read for all of you.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this volume, and I hope some of you might consider writing for us in the future!

<3 bitesizedbee4